Ilion-Auroville Team

Ilion Auroville team members

(Alexander Pereverzev, Cibin Thomas, Sivarajan Devarajan, Caroline Gindre, Claude de Warren, Gaspard Perrier, Rajesh Shah, Hartmut von Lieres(Not in the picture))

Why support us?


We are a small team from Auroville International Township, located in Tamil Nadu, South India. Based on a deep understanding of the true meaning of Greek mythology, our mission is to :

– Disseminate the knowledge that Western culture has a deep spiritual basis.

– Facilitate access to the works of Sri Aurobindo and his spiritual companion Mirra Alfassa (The Mother) – in particular Sri Aurobindo’s poem Ilion.

We make the results of our research available free of charge through writings, films, podcasts, conferences and courses.

We need your support to develop our team, deepen our research and publicise our work.

We are supported by Auroville-International USA.

Click here to Donate


Thank you for your support,

The Ilion Auroville team
