Genealogical diagrams

The first diagram shows the overall architecture. The two that follows present syntheses of the two great spiritual paths: that of the ascent of the plans of consciousness or “spiritualization” of the being (Iapetus) and that of the “psychisation” (Oceanos).

  • For simplification purposes, number of minor characters mentioned in the texts have not been indicated. Also, to simplify the presentation, the meaning of the characters was rarely indicated under the names.
  • Only the main ascendants were mentioned. Other variants and ancestries are clarified in the text.
  • The numbers indicated after the names refer to the corresponding diagrams. Roman numerals, alone or before the names, indicate successive alliances. Names noted in bold type are the ones of the most important characters.
  • The sign ~ indicates union (regardless of its type: marriage, long-lasting or punctual union, etc.)
  • The homonymous names are not differentiated. The ancient masters of wisdom indeed used the same name for characters appearing in different lineages when they wanted to introduce the same symbolic content, possibly with various degrees of intensity. The reader who wishes to differentiate them can refer to Carlos Parada’s work : Genealogical Guide to Greek mythology.

List of diagrams

Family trees – General Synthesis General

Family tree of Japet – Ascent of planes of consciousness

Family tree of Oceanus – Purification and liberation

Gaia and Tartarus – Family tree 1

Iris, the Harpies and the Gorgon Medusa – Family tree 2 – Vital evolution

The Titans – Family tree 3

Helios, Circe and Medea – Family tree 4

Leto, the Fates and the Muses – Family tree 5

Hecate, Boreas and Zephyr – Family tree 6

Atlas and Prometheus – Family tree 7

Pleiades – Family tree 8

Leda, Meleager, Deianira and Diomedes – Family tree 9

Aeolus – Family tree 10

Sisyphus and Bellerophon – Family tree 11

Jason – Family tree 12

Penelope and Helen – Family tree 13

Odysseus – Family tree 14

Tantalus and Agamemnon – Family tree 15

Priam, Hector and Paris – Family tree 16

Gods of Olympus – Family tree 17

Olympian complementary gods – Diagram 18

Styx and the Sirens – Family tree 19

Lapiths and Centaurs – Family tree 20

Inachus – Family tree 21

Dionysus and Oedipus – Family tree 22

Europa and Minos – Family tree 23

Perseus and Heracles – Family tree 24

Achilles and Ajax – Family tree 25

Daedalus, Icarus and Theseus – Family tree 26

Atalanta – Family tree 27

Argolid kingdoms – Diagram 28

Seers in Greek Myhtology – Family tree 29