Zeus is the king of the gods. The Romans call him Jupiter. He resides on Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. Mountains form the link between heaven and earth, in other words, between the powers of the Spirit worlds and the world of Matter where we live.
Along with the eleven other Olympians, Zeus dwells at the highest point, on the boundary between the world of forms and the worlds without defined forms. This is why the gods can change form as they wish.
This link between worlds is actually constituted by the mind, which includes reason and intuition. Zeus, the representative of the highest mental consciousness (which we call overmind), began to dominate mankind after winning the war against the Titans. This corresponds to the moment when a child enters the age of reason (around 7 years old).
Zeus symbolizes a power of expansion or enlargement that cannot really be thwarted, and which must lead mankind to surpass its limits, including those of Nature, which we consider immutable.
He received thunder and lightning from the Cyclops, who, with their single eye, represent the absolute knowledge of the divine (omniscience). These attributes enable him to wield the power, instantaneous transformative capacity and lightning-fast light of Truth.